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Shadowing the Teacher (Perfect Pairs Book 3) Page 7

  He clenched his hands into tight fists and took several deep breaths. There wasn’t much he wouldn’t do for his twin, but this was pushing those boundaries past anything Kane had ever asked of him.

  Get out of the car, you chicken.

  Reid groaned loudly and forced himself up and out of the car, following his brother up the driveway and standing once again in front of that door. It mocked him in the most uncomfortable way. He’d never thought to put anything like that in their home. It was a great idea, showed honor and respect for their heritage. He loved it.

  Kane knocked, and the door flew open, the woman Reid said liked to be called Sam, standing on the other side of the door. Something hard kicked him in the guts, and he clenched his teeth not to groan aloud. Her eyes were so bright, and beautiful.

  “I was worried you guys weren’t going to come.”

  Kane gave him a sideways glance. “Sorry, Sam, bit of trouble on the way. But we’re here.”

  “Come in, come in.”

  She waved them in, and Reid stepped over the threshold, a jolt shuddering its way along his spine.

  Fuck me … what is this?

  He rested his shoulder against the plastered wall for a moment, then slowly turned around, making himself useful by shutting the door while the other two walked into the lounge room.

  He couldn’t get use to that feeling. She did something strange to his body when she was close, and he hadn’t experienced it before. How did she make him simultaneously both weak and strong in the same moment?

  He shook himself and straightened up his shoulders, forcing his legs to work as he walked into the huge front room, joining his twin and Sam.

  They both twisted around to face him, Sam’s smile dying on her lips.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He must have the look of a thundercloud on his face if the sadness in her eyes was any indication. He couldn’t maintain eye contact, and looked away. He may not like this situation, but he didn’t want to hurt her. She seemed like a lovely person actually.

  “Nothing … ignore me.”

  He turned his back completely away and looked around the room as though he cared about furniture and all that sort of crap. Inspecting paintings and pictures, staring hard at the ornate fireplace while Kane chatted quietly with her about her day.

  She laughed again at something Kane said, and Reid had to turn, watching her beautiful face light up as his brother sat next to her on the couch.

  He slowly inched forward, his ability to stay separate falling away as the warmth in the room drew him to them. Sam turned towards him and gave him a shy smile. “Are you going to join us now?”

  He nodded and dropped into the armchair facing them. “Yeah, pretty rude not to.”

  She grinned at him again, and this time it sent strange butterflies straight through his gut.

  “I thought so, too, although you never know with some people.”

  Reid swallowed hard, an acid flush following in the wake of the butterflies. “What do you mean?”

  She jumped to her feet. “Oh, I forgot something, hang on.”

  She ran out of the room and returned a moment later with a large tray full of sandwiches, cookies, and fruit. “You looked a bit sick there for a moment, and I realized I’d thrown some food together. Nothing homemade sorry, but I’m not the most domesticated person.”

  “Thanks, Sam, I’m quite hungry actually.” Kane said and dove in on the sandwiches, picking up two and biting into one with great gusto.

  Since when do you have an appetite?

  “Reid?” Sam picked up the plate and held them out to him.

  He stared at them for a moment, then finally took one when his stomach rolled once again. He bit into the soft bread, fresh chicken and creamy mayonnaise exploding across his taste buds, and a loud moan left him. He glanced up at her, embarrassment flushing his cheeks hotly.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled around bites, eating the first half, then the second. His hunger rose like a wave, his hands moving faster and faster to get food into his mouth as he chewed and swallowed. He couldn’t remember ever being this hungry.

  He grabbed for a peach, biting into the sweet juicy flesh and groaning again. His stomach growled, and he kept eating while Sam sat and smiled at him.

  “You did look a bit peaky, as my grandmother would say. Glad you’re eating.”

  He slowed down his chomping and took a sip of the water she’d placed in front of him. “Yeah, we haven’t eaten very well since…” He stopped, not wanting to say Amanda’s name out loud here.

  “Ash said your wife passed away last year. I’m so sorry to hear that. I can only imagine how devastating that would have been.”

  He nodded and took a chocolate biscuit that she offered. Her gentle smile and kind words made his jumping stomach settle once again. “We didn’t think we’d survive it actually. But here we are.”

  Sam looked from Kane to him. “Well, I’m too new to this world to really comment, but my own cousins are marrying two men at a time, anything’s possible.”

  A strangle chuckle emerged from his throat, and he relaxed into the chair. The food was having a strange, drug like effect and his head was spinning. “Whoa, I’m full.”

  Sam laughed this time and started eating the biscuits in front of her. “It’s so nice to be up here at the moment. The scenery is just so beautiful. When do you guys go back home?”

  Kane moved closer to her on the couch, lifting his hand and placing it on her thigh. Reid narrowed his eyes and watched his brother start a dance Reid wasn’t sure he wanted to join in.

  Sam was lovely, yes, and beautiful, but he hadn’t touched a woman in a year. He’d never planned to again. It felt wrong somehow.

  “We don’t have any plans to go home at all. We both have gone on extended leave from our jobs, and we want to stay for a while. We’re in the motel at the moment, but our aunt and uncle have asked us to stay with them.”

  Sam turned to Kane. “Jack and Scott’s parents?”

  “No, Brandon and Tyler’s parent’s actually. Their house is massive, and it’s so close to the national park we could relax a bit. Which after the year we’ve had, would be great.”

  Sam had turned her whole body towards Kane now, and he was stroking her face. She was leaning into the caress like a flower to the sun.

  Reid’s chest was getting too tight, as though his ribs were squeezing his lungs. “Kane, I think we should go.”

  Kane didn’t move, but Sam turned to look at him. “Really? Oh, I … ok.” Her face looked downtrodden, but she went to stand up, as she should, since he’d said he wanted to leave.

  Kane pulled her down into his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist. “No. We’re staying. How much do you understand about us, Sam?”

  She looked from Kane to him, and back again. “I’m too heavy, please let me down.”

  Kane squeezed her so tight she squeaked. He growled, “You’re perfect.”

  Sam got a strange look on her face and then slowly crept her arms up Kane’s body until she had her hands around his neck.

  “Um … just what Ash told me. You’re a Perfect Pair, just like Ash’s husbands, and Laura’s husbands. And that means you generally only have one wife, whom you share…” The last word was almost whispered, her full cheeks coloring pink.

  She’d been warned, told about them. Good.

  Her reaction was pretty beautiful. How naïve was she that the idea of a threesome makes her blush like that?

  Wouldn’t you like to find out?

  Reid cleared his throat and spoke up. “But we’ve had our mate, and you only get one.”

  Sam turned to him, not letting go of Kane. Her voice was gentle as she spoke, almost pleading, calling to him. “Then how come we feel this way? I can’t stop wanting to touch you guys, and when we met yesterday and shook hands, I had an electrical current pulse through me like lightning. How is that possible if you’ve already had your one and only mate?”

  Reid op
ened his mouth, but nothing came out. Because if truth be told, he didn’t have an answer. He couldn’t deny anything she’d just said, and his own hands itched to touch her. Is her hair as soft as it looks?


  Kane pushed in. “We don’t know, Sam, and that’s what we’re here to find out. If you feel that way about us, and we can’t wait to kiss and touch you, the impossible might be true and you really might be for us.”

  Reid jumped up and began pacing the lounge room. He didn’t want to hear this. He didn’t want to know for sure. Damn it! He was happy knowing that he’d already fulfilled his life’s purpose. This would mean he hadn’t.

  “How do we find out, Kane?” Sam’s softly spoken question made Reid groan, and look at the ceiling. There was only one real way. They had to make love to her.

  He stopped his pacing and looked straight at his twin, who stared back at him.

  You up for this, Reid?

  He clenched his teeth and nodded once.

  I’m not. But there’s only one way to know for sure.

  Maybe his body would refuse to get hard? And then he’d know for sure she wasn’t for them, and he wouldn’t even have to touch her.

  That thought relaxed his body. It was more than likely that he wouldn’t respond to her. He’d starved his body of all touch since the night his mate had died. It probably didn’t even know how to come anymore.

  Thank you, brother.

  Kane’s voiced thanks echoed in his mind as Kane kissed the tip of Sam’s nose and smiled at her. “The only way to know for sure is to take you to bed and we see if the connection between us is as strong as we think it is.”

  Sam gasped and seemed to nestle in closer. “Ah, ok … that’s a bit fast. I mean I’ve never…” She moaned as Kane pressed his lips to her throat, the nose vibrating through Reid like a jackhammer.

  When Kane pulled back Sam’s voice wobbled. “And … then … we’ll know for sure?”

  Reid took two wavering steps closer and held out his hand to Sam. He didn’t want to know because he was fucking scared now. But he’d looked death in the face and happily offered up his soul for his mate. How hard could this be?

  She took his hand, and lightning zinged along his arm. He clenched his teeth and squeezed tight, loving and hating the reaction he had to her, all in one breath.

  She stood up, and their eyes met, his groin pulsing in time with his heart.

  “Yes, Sam. We’ll know.”

  And Heaven help him then.

  Chapter Nine

  Samantha stared up into Kane’s milk chocolate eyes and tilted her head up for a kiss. If there was only one true way to know if she was meant to be with these men, she wanted to know as soon as possible.

  His mouth came down on hers, and her eyes slid shut on a wave of pleasure. Their lips fitted perfectly together, his tongue slipping out to stroke hers, causing a moan to erupt from her throat.

  Her hands slid up his sculpted biceps and clung to the shoulder muscles that felt so good and strong beneath her palms. Kane was the shorter of the twins, but he was still a foot taller that she was.

  His hands slid down her back and around her waist, forming a tight band around her body and pulling her close. Something in the way he held her made her feel so secure and wanted. A feeling she hadn’t had in a very long time, and even then, it had felt nothing like this.

  The kiss went on and on, her head spinning from the pleasure his mouth was causing just on her lips. When he pulled back Sam forced her eyelids open, only to find them heavy and her body feeling lethargic and slightly drugged.

  She smiled to herself. Drugged on lust and love, well that was a first.

  “Come lie down, beautiful one, but let’s get you out of those clothes first.”

  Kane’s voice was deep and husky, so sexy. A smile pulled her lips up again. She loved that about these two men. They were just so masculine. Exactly what she’d always wanted.

  Kane bent and tugged at the hem of her cotton dress, pulling it up slowly to reveal the overabundance of flesh on her legs and belly. Sam inhaled sharply, putting her hands down to her thighs and tugging the dress back in to place. Maybe it would be better if they did this in the dark?

  “You know I’m not thin, right?”

  Kane laughed, and a soft chuckle from behind her told her that Reid wasn’t completely zoning out as she’d expected. It was taking all of her courage and her belief that something very special was going on here, not to run out of the room.

  “You’re more beautiful than any woman I’ve ever met, Sam. In here where it counts.” Kane touched her gently over her breast bone and then cupped her face. “And here…” His voice trailed off, and Sam’s heart overflowed for the generous man in front of her, who had gone through so much and had never given up on the chance of love.

  “And if you let me … I can show you how perfect you are under here.” He stroked his finger tips over her belly, and she sucked in her tummy.

  Sam’s brain whirled with fears of what they would see when they lifted her dress. Rolls of fat and cellulite, stretch marks, and blotchy skin.

  But when she looked up into Kane’s eyes she saw so much acceptance and love, she couldn’t insult him by hiding herself. They could both see her size when clothed, and surely they wouldn’t be too horrified by her natural body.

  “Ok…” She dropped her hands away and lifted her arms up.

  The cotton whispered up over her body, and she brought her arms back down, waiting for their appraisal. She sucked in her belly and held perfectly still. What was Reid doing now? Was he staring at her ass and hating everything he saw?

  “Wow, Sam. You’re gorgeous.”

  There was a growl behind her, and she spun around, unable to ignore that primitive request and sound. It made her want to help him, get close to him and hold him tight. Reid was in pain, and she needed to help.

  She stepped towards Reid, who was still standing but leaning against the wall.

  “Are you ok?”

  Reid growled again and shook his head. “Am I ok? You’re kidding me?”

  His angry tone hurt her, and she stepped away, bringing her arms up to cover her abundant breasts that were spilling over the top of her white lacy bra.

  She was a fool! Why did she think that two men that were this attractive and successful would accept her, when no one else ever had?

  “I knew I was too big for you.”

  Tears stung her eyes, and she looked around for her dress. Where had Kane flung it?

  That growl rolled through Reid again, and she looked up to see Reid tugging at his jeans, unbuckling his belt and pulling open the fly in one swift movement.

  “Does this look like I have a problem to you?”

  Reid cock’s sprang out from the opening of his jeans, the thick protuberance with its red head and thick shaft making heat spread between her legs like melting honey.


  She licked her lips and dropped her arms from her breasts. No, he definitely didn’t have a problem with her body.

  Reid’s feelings about the emotional side of their relationship may still cause a problem, and she wasn’t sure yet what the solution was. He was fighting their attraction like a stubborn mule being dragged to a water hole. He must know that their bond might heal him, yet he didn’t want to feel that with her.

  Even now he stood ten feet away, puffing with the strength it was taking to withdraw from them.

  Maybe she needed to encourage him, instead of waiting for him to come to her? She had Kane’s backing. He’d help if she needed it.

  “Can I suck you, Reid?”

  The words were out before she could pull them back. She hadn’t meant to say that! She sounded like a whore propositioning him. Couldn’t she have thought of a nicer thing to say?

  Reid stepped forward and nodded, his blue eyes blazing with hunger and something darker that she couldn’t name.

  Desire burned in her belly. He wanted her, too. There was no going
back now. She dropped to her knees and reached out for him, compelled by something deeper than the conscious brain.

  He crossed the void between them, and his cock was now in front of her face, long and thick, pointing straight at her. Reid tugged his jeans down a little more, and his balls became free, the soft sack crying out for her touch.

  “Please…” His gruff words reached her ears as he stepped closer and gently guided her head forward.

  Sam opened her lips and moaned as the hard, hot, silky flesh slid into her mouth. The hand on her head tightened as Reid groaned, and his fingers loosened again as though trying to be gentle. She didn’t want him to be gentle.

  You don’t like that when they touch you like that, you never have.

  I do now.

  She went with her instincts, lifting her hand up to Reid’s and pressing it into her hair.

  He gasped and tightened his hold on her skull, flexing his hips and thrusting into her mouth.


  Sam moaned again and relaxed her jaw, letting him use her mouth and take her face. Her need to submit to this powerful male was so strong, and as she let him take control, a wonderful sense of ecstasy flowed through her body. All thought fled as there was only the taste of his arousal on her tongue, his tight balls in her hands, and the sounds of pleasure he was making echoing in the room.

  He pulled back abruptly, dragging her to her feet in the same moment. She stared up at him, feeling oddly dazed again. She’d been enjoying that. Why did he stop?

  “That was fucking hot. Your mouth is incredible.” He groaned as he spoke, just before he took her mouth in a kiss that was another statement of ownership. He devoured her like he had the sandwiches. Like a starving man at his last meal. He speared his tongue into her mouth as he tasted, licked, and ate at her. He held her face and head in his two hands, and she clung to his huge body, needing an anchor in the storm.

  Kane’s hands slid up her waist from behind and unclipped her bra, the lace falling to the floor when she dropped her arms. Her panties were next, and Sam blindly lifted her feet as instructed.

  Kane pulled her away from Reid and took her into his now naked arms. Reid stepped back to strip off also, his ripped body coming into view in flashes of bronzed flesh and lifelike proportions.