Voodoo and Fate Read online

Page 8

  She took her seat and straightened her spine, trying hard not to focus on the fact that nausea was rolling in her belly and struggling with the fear that there was a child, at this very minute, growing exponentially inside of her.

  “What’s going to happen?” Tania asked, lifting her chin up into the air. A proud and strong woman, even in the face of death.

  “I’m not sure.”

  Tania rolled her eyes and looked away. Obviously, she didn’t believe her.

  “I’m serious. It’s, cloudy. Your labour is going to be hard, life threatening. Your baby will be healthy and strong, but I just can’t see what happens to you. I’m sorry.”

  Tania looked up at Marty, who now stood next to her. His hand on her shoulder. His jaw clenched and hard.

  “Maybe you should book into the private hospital in New Orleans. They can handle any bleeding… or…”

  “No. That is not our way.”

  Chanti frowned at Marty’s tone and stood up. Facing off against the Alpha leader of the werewolf pack.

  “She could die, Marty. The doctors at the hospital could save her.”

  But even as she said it, she saw Tania’s parents, red fire…

  “No. I take it back. I’m sorry. That’s not an option either.”

  “Then what do we, Chanti?” Tania’s small voice asked.

  She closed her eyes and felt out the different options. New Orleans, her parents, Chanti’s own home, the shop, the bayou…

  There was only one path that held light at the end of the tunnel. And that was Marty’s home. The bayou. And Chanti must be there to guide the babe into the world.

  “I can only see one birth where there’s a chance Tania survives, and it’s here. With me, and perhaps any other healers you have. Like Daniel.”

  A brighter light shone in her mind as she envisioned Daniel helping her.

  Her eyes popped open. “Yes, that is the only way. Can you do that, Tania?”

  Tania nodded, gripping Marty’s hand where it held her shoulder. “Yes. Of course I can.”

  “All right. We’re in for a big week of planning then. Not to mention, I need to go back to my shop for some supplies.”

  “I’ll take you.” Kody said beside her. His strength, as always, a constant in her life that she could always count on.

  “Thank you.” She stared hard at her mate, absorbing the beautiful energy he sent her way. This week was already one of the most intense of her life, and she had the feeling it was also going to be the hardest.

  The week passed quickly and somehow, without much drama.

  Kody took her into New Orleans one night and they managed to steal away with some of her most valuable family possessions and some medicines from her shop.

  She wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but a fight was the least of it.

  There had been nothing.

  Well… nothing except goats blood poured onto her stoop. Both at her shop and her family home.

  Despite the fact her residencies had very strong protection spells on them, she’d climbed in a side window, unable to cross over such a horrible omen.

  Mary and her husband knew she’d helped Tania escape and there would be hell to pay for that choice. Despite the severity of the punishment that she knew would be coming, it was something she wasn’t going to worry about until after the full moon.

  Tania and her baby were the only things Chanti were focused on, and they took all of her energy.

  Getting them through the birth and out again, in one piece was her only focus.

  The only interesting thing that had happened to her in these last days had been an increase in her awareness of everything happening around her. Kody had told her she’d grow strong like him, and although she still couldn’t lift anything substantial on her own, she was feeling better. Stronger. In her mind. Which gave her some optimism for the week to come.

  It was late in the afternoon on Wednesday when the hairs on Chanti’s body began standing on end. She could see the full moon rising in the distance and a shudder racked her frame.

  “It’s coming tonight, isn’t it, Chanti?” Tania’s voice trembled as she sat down beside her. Chanti was grinding up herbs and ingredients for more potions. Blood tonics, salves, and protection amulet ingredients. She’d been cooking and mixing and sewing all week.

  “Yes. Are you ready?” She asked the beautiful girl beside her, putting strength into her voice.

  Tania nodded once, her hugely swollen belly rolling and dancing in front of their eyes.

  “He will be here soon.” Chanti ran her palm over Tania’s son, the flesh contorting and moving beneath her hand. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Tania smiled, the very picture of a Madonna in her element. “Are you pregnant too, Chanti? Do you know yet?”

  “I’m not sure.” She lied. She was very sure, but she wasn’t sharing that information today. “I haven’t missed a period yet, but I’ve been sick most days.”

  “Then you’re pregnant. These werewolf pregnancies are quite different.” Tania said with confidence.

  Then suddenly she gasped and her voice hitched, then she hissed out her breath and slid her hands around her belly.

  “Woah, he’s kicking a lot today.”

  Chanti just nodded and kept up her preparations. She couldn’t think too much of the lives that tonight would literally be in her hands.

  Over the week she’d made amulets and necklaces for everyone in the pack. Men, women, children. There was a storm coming, a fight. She wasn’t sure when or who would bring it. But what she did know was she would protect these people with everything she had.

  She stopped mixing and looked at the woman beside her. There was so much she wanted to say, but how to summarise it all?

  “You need to keep your mind focused tonight, Tania. Okay? I know you are young, and you will be scared. But this is your destiny, there is no other reason that this has happened to you. Don’t give up, never give up. Do you understand?”

  Tania nodded, fear clear in her bright eyes.

  “I mean it, Tania. Hold onto anything that is a strong anchor for you. Your love for your son, your bond with Marty. Your need to be there for your child as he grows. Anger at your parents, anything. Pick one thing. One thing that’s worth fighting for, worth living for, and imprint it into this.”

  She handed the braided charm she had made to Tania.

  The girl took it with trembling fingers.

  “Thank you. I… I’m not sure which one to choose.”

  “You don’t have to tell me. Just take the bracelet, meditate on it, and when you have chosen, put it on. And remember, it doesn’t have to be what you think it should be. You don’t have to be selfless, or a martyr. Hatred can sometimes work just as well as love, better even. Look inside yourself and find a reason to still be alive tomorrow. And you will be.”

  Tania took a deep breath in through her nose, her eyes clearing like the clouds parting on a summers days.

  Yes. She’d got it.

  “Thank you. I’ll see you after dinner.”

  Chanti let her go and continued to grind and make pastes and drinks. Tania was going to bleed, she knew that. She’d made blood building tonics, and special bandages to aid with clotting. She wasn’t sure what she was going to be up against, but she had an arsenal.

  After a lovely dinner in Kody’s house, cooked by her lovely mate, they went to bed.

  Affection amongst the wolves was a high priority and Kody often whisked her away to cuddle or make love. Life was truly a dream at the moment.

  As they lay in bed, facing each other and stroking each other’s skin, Kody starting talking to her.

  “Do you think tonight will go as you’ve forseen?”

  They’d discussed her visions a lot during the week and she still wasn’t sure which ones would come to fruition or not. She’d had so many, and seen so many things happen to the baby and Tania. It was hard to see the right road to take.

  “I honestly don’t
know, but all day I’ve had the strangest feeling something is coming. More than just what’s going on with Tania and Marty. Maybe her parents have organised an assault? Maybe some of the black arts practitioners are going to attack? You’ll be ready won’t you, Kody?”

  Her mate nodded. “Yes. We already increased the guards, and maybe I should speak to the women about removing the children from the bayou for a week.”

  A strange coolness passed over her and she let the words, sent from another place, flow through her.

  “Whatever’s going to happen, it’s going to be tonight. The blood lines will mingle forever, or both will fall.” She shook herself hard as the premonition poured out of her. “Oh damn. I think you need to go speak to everyone now. It’s all happening tonight.”

  Fuck. If it wasn’t enough fighting to keep Tania alive, she had to deal with the whole pack being in danger as well.

  “Kody! Chantelle!” Marty’s urgent voice echoed through their small house.

  Kody and her looked at each other in understanding and rolled away from each other to get up.

  Luckily, they were clothed for once and jumped up off the bed, just as Marty came rushing in through the door.

  “You’re here! Good. Tania needs you. The baby’s coming.”

  Chanti grabbed the bags she had ready and stared at Kody. “You need to warn the pack.”

  “I will. You deal with my sister and my nephew.”

  Kody pulled her in hard against his body, kissing her deeply and fast. His taste exploded through her senses, knocking what fear she was feeling to the side.

  When he pulled back she stumbled a little and he grabbed her.

  “Look after yourself, Chanti. And our bub.” He lay a hand against her slightly rounded belly.

  She swallowed hard and nodded once.

  It had been an unspoken agreement between them not to mention her possible pregnancy until a safe time.

  But as he stared at her, she knew how scared he was.

  “I will. Make sure you’re still alive in the morning, Kody. I’m not doing this on my own.”

  He grinned and winked at her as though he didn’t have a care in the world. Cheeky devil.


  He turned and ran out of the room with Marty.

  Chapter 7.

  Chanti checked her bag once more for all the medicines she’d created for Tania. Then, taking a heavy, deep breath, she walked out of their house and went straight to Marty’s house next door.

  As she strolled down the dirt road which was the main street in their little chanty town, she remarked on how happy she was. It was amazing how quickly she’d adapted to life out here.

  She would never have thought she could do without all the conveniences of New Orleans, and maybe long term she would miss it. But for the moment, she was incredibly happy helping people who needed her, and being loved by a man who was perfect for her.

  Kody seemed to adore her. And that was an incredible thing. A lot of the men she’d dated in the past had been intimidated by her power, or her abilities. And within the Voodoo religion, she was considered a priestess of sorts, and that came with it an untouchable quality that she had often wished was not there.

  Especially during those many, many cold winter nights.

  Kody said he loved her and for the first time in her life, she actually believed him when he said it. He admired her ability to heal and help people, and couldn’t get enough of touching her and kissing her.

  He was strong and powerful, and yet, didn’t try to dominate or control her. It was a dream come true in lots of ways.

  She heard a deep, guttural moan as she pushed through the door on Marty’s house, and paused.

  Tonight was more important than she was allowing herself to admit. What had her prophecy meant? Who would fall? What was meant to combine and mingle? Whose bloodlines?

  Did it mean that the strength of the pack was determined by Tania’s baby? A child whose bloodlines had already mixed those of a Voodoo mother and a werewolf father?

  She honestly didn’t know, but her mission tonight was to keep Tania alive.

  She pulled herself together and moved through the small, neat little house and found Tania and Marty’s mother, Sharon, in the bedroom.

  Tania was pacing and Sharon sat on the bed, her already prematurely aged face looking ancient with stress.

  “How’s everything going, Tania?” She asked, placing her bags down on the dresser.

  Tania gave her a sarcastic look, rolling her eyes while sweat beaded on her forehead. “This is harder than I thought it would be already.”

  Chanti smiled as the adrenaline kicked in and everything around her slowed down. She opened her bag and took out a natural pain killer she’d concocted. It would help Tania get through this.

  “I’ve made you something to help with the pain. I’ll go mix it with some water and bring it to you.”

  “Oh, thank you.” Tania smiled, her face relaxing.

  Chanti ducked out of the room and mixed the powder with some water. Sometimes her patients just needed to know that someone was there to help. That they could trust something outside of their own body which was betraying them by giving them a huge amount of pain.

  And that was one of her main weapons.


  It trumped most things. Although this root mixture would help the physical pain. There was a calming agent mixed in, too.

  “Here you go.” She handed the glass to Tania, who downed the contents in a few gulps.

  She grimaced as she handed the glass back. “That’s terrible.”

  Chanti laughed. “Since when is our medicine nice tasting?”

  Tania grinned back. “Ah, never.”

  She grimaced as another pain hit, holding her breath.

  “Just keep breathing, Tania. You’re doing beautifully. You need to envision what’s happening in your body. The cervix is opening up to let your baby out, so each contraction that comes through, visualise the tissues, and relax into it. The herbs will help you.”

  Tania nodded and Chanti went to fetch her another glass of water.

  Tania was still too pale, her skin damp and cold to the touch.

  Despite everything the werewolves and Kody believed in Fate, Chanti wasn’t sure Tania was strong enough to get through this.

  But only time would tell if she was wrong.


  “We need to get the children out of town. Put them in a few cars and drive them to Crangie.”

  Crangie was the next town over, about an hour south.

  Marty frowned, his lips thinning into compressed lines. “What are you talking about, Kody?”

  “Chanti’s had a premonition, and there’s going to be a fight tonight. She thinks the Voodoo community and the witches might be coming for us.”

  Marty’s eyes narrowed, cynicism etched into his face. “How would she know this?”

  “She’d a Voodoo priestess, Marty. Why wouldn’t she? And don’t give me that look.” Marty should be looking worried, not pondering Chanti’s motives in telling them this. “Chanti has done nothing but earn our trust. You owe her, big time. And if she’s right about this, we’ll owe her again.”

  He stared hard at his brother. It was difficult not to point out the fact that Marty was the reason they were all in danger. Marty had managed his mate badly, gotten caught, and almost died.

  Marty didn’t say anything more and Kody began to feel frustrated. “Oh come on, it’s one night. If she’s wrong, we bring them back in the morning.”

  There were only eleven children under sixteen in the town. It wasn’t a big deal.

  “Okay. Get one of the Davidson brothers to round them up, and take the minivan.”

  “Good. And you need to get the men up and aware. There could be people coming.”

  “But… what about Tania? I need to be here for her.”

  “Tania needs Chanti, and she has mum, too. You have a pack to protect, Marty.”

shouldn’t have to remind his brother of that, but Kody tried not to be too critical of him. He didn’t really understand how his brother was feeling.

  To know that your mate was in labour, your son would be here by morning. With or without your mate’s life intact.

  “But why would they choose to attack on a night like this? We are at our most powerful on the full moon.”

  He hadn’t thought about that. And he didn’t have an answer.

  “Marty, we’re wasting time. I couldn’t even begin to understand the workings of those people who tried to kill you and Tania. So, please, just get moving. I’ll meet you at the edge of the forest in half an hour.”

  He slapped his brother on the back and went in search of Terry Davidson. He was their teacher and a great guy. He’d grab the kids and take them out of the town until the coast was clear. He was older, and wouldn’t be much help in a fight.

  When he found Terry and explained, he was quick to organise the minivan and grab all the already sleeping children. Terry told him that he had family in a town two hours away and said he’d bring them back the next night.

  Which was probably better than trying to find somewhere to sleep in Crangie.

  “Thanks, Terry.”

  Terry headed off and Kody turned back towards the woods, the light of the full moon calling to him. Her power was beautiful, the strength she brought to their pack a magnificent gift.

  His skin tingled as his wolf prowled inside him, knowing that soon he would be called to take over Kody’s body. To stretch his legs and enjoy the freedom that came with the one night of the month they had no choice but to surrender to their animals.

  Maybe that was why the New Orleans people would come tonight? Maybe they believed the full moon would make them less lucid, and they’d go running into the woods, leaving Tania and the other women alone.

  Not likely.

  It was pretty obvious the New Orleans people didn’t understand how shifting worked, and the fact that they had full control of their wolves.

  He could see his brother in the distance, standing by the woods edge, a strange red/orange glow framing him.

  Oh fuck.